Third Annual David Sands Holloway Memorial Awards

EALC awards three students the David Sands Holloway Memorial Award for papers that explore issues of gender in Japanese literature and culture.

Elsa Chanez, PhD student in Japanese Language and Literature, received the award for Best PhD Graduate Paper for her paper "Reiko’s Central Role: Adaptation and Gaze in Mishima Yukio’s "Yūkoku"." Judges laud the solid research behind her paper, and her sustained engagement with previous criticism both English and Japanese. 

Addison Kwasigroch, MA student in EALC, won for Best MA Graduate Paper for his paper "Uno Chiyo and the Mass Society." The external judges noted his well-written and diligently-researched paper is a model for graduate-level writing that potentially even transcends that bar.

Monica Kim, (major in EALC) was awarded Best Undergraduate Paper for her paper "Beyond the Grid: Vulnerability and Valor in the Shadows of a Patriarchal Literary Realm." One judge called her paper, “brilliant,” and another judge noted her good use of primary and secondary source evidence.

Gifts in memory of David Holloway (BA ’03 and PhD ’14, Japanese Language and Literature) can be made via this form. Donations support projects that align with David's research, such as this annual student essay competition.