Laurel Taylor attends British Centre for Literary Translation
EALC graduate student participates in the Japanese Workshop at the British Centre for Literary Translation
Ran Wei awarded grant for research in Japan
Jingyi Wang promoted to senior lecturer
Article by Alessandro Poletto in The Conversation
Updates on alumni Dr. Christopher T. Keaveney and Dr. Lee Friederich
The Textile Museum Journal: Reading Mosurin Wool Textiles in Imperial Japan
EALC essay award in memory of David Holloway on issues of gender in Japanese literature/culture
Zhao Ma interview on KMOX Radio
Marvin Marcus teaches his last class
EALC alumnus Brock Mullen (BSBA ‘23) earned two fellowships to study at the Hopkins-Nanjing Center in Nanjing, China before beginning his career as a management consultant at McKinsey & Company.
Amanda Carey, Mijeong Mimi Kim, Frank Lovett, Eleanor Pardini, and Jen Smith are among the St. Louis-area educators who received the 2023 Excellence in Teaching Award.
Zhao Ma talks about where China stands when it comes to Israel and Hamas
Article by Jianqing Chen in The Conversation