Japanese Graduate Programs

Requirements for students who matriculated in FL22 or earlier

The Japanese section of the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures provides a limited number of highly qualified graduate students with the opportunity to pursue intensive programs of study leading to the MA in Japanese, the PhD in Japanese language and literature, and the dual PhD in Japanese and comparative literature.

The goal of these programs is to produce scholars well-trained in Japanese language, firmly grounded in the linguistic and literary traditions, and thoroughly conversant with critical discourses (indigenous and western) relevant to their fields. Students who complete the program at the PhD level have extended first-hand exposure to the modern societies whose languages, literatures, and cultures they study and significant teaching experience in both the language and the literature classroom.

PhD in Japanese Language and Literature


The PhD in Japanese Language and Literature at Washington University provides students with a solid foundation in all periods and forms of Japanese literature while requiring expertise in one’s research concentration. Students select a complementary minor field in a second Asian literary tradition or another area of Japanese Studies as appropriate. Given present faculty strengths, students are encouraged to focus on Japanese literature of the twentieth century, while appreciating the strong “traditionalist” current that marks much of this literature.

Japanese PhD degree requirements

Study Abroad

Exchange Program at Tsukuba University

Thanks to a long-standing academic exchange agreement with the Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences at Tsukuba University (http://www.hass.tsukuba.ac.jp/en), we are able to nominate one graduate student annually for a period of up to a year of advanced study at one of Japan's finest universities, located approximately an hour north of Tokyo.

The student, who will typically be completing his/her MA program here at Washington University, will be able to enroll in appropriate courses and engage in independent study under the mentorship of Tsukuba faculty and graduate students. The exchange affords an unparalleled opportunity to advance one's Japan-related studies while improving language skills across the spectrum.

Tuition will be waived, and the nominated student may apply for funding administered through Tsukuba that will help defray travel and living expenses.

Inter-University Center for Japanese Language Studies (Yokohama, Japan)

The Inter-University Center for Japanese Language Studies (IUC) offers an intensive, 10-month program of study in advanced spoken and written Japanese. A 7-week summer session is also available.  For more information, click here.

The graduate program at WashU is small in terms of its student numbers, but large in terms of the wealth of knowledge that can be gleaned there. While at WashU, I was able to gain teaching experience in literature under the guidance of both Professors Copeland and Marcus, which allowed me to enter my current teaching assignment in East Asian Languages and Literature at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, with relative ease and confidence.

―Lee FriederichPhD '08