Readings in Classical Chinese - Morality, Reality, and Fantasy


This thematic course develops language proficiency in modern Chinese while studying classical Chinese. Students will improve their understanding of Chinese history and culture through reading Chinese classics and study Chinese classics through a comparative approach to written and multi-media materials, including videos, films and other online resources. Designed for students who have completed fourth-year Chinese for further training in all four language-skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing, especially focusing on thematic discussion skills. Undergraduates enroll in the 400-level section; 500-level section is for graduate students only. Prerequisite: L04 428 (grade of B- or better) or placement by examination.
Course Attributes: AS LCD; AS LS; EN H; BU Hum

Section 01

Readings in Classical Chinese - Morality, Reality, and Fantasy
View Course Listing - SP2024
View Course Listing - SP2025