Topics in Korean Literature and Culture


This course looks in depth at issues regarding women and gender in Korean literature and film. While we explore literary and cinematic representations of gender, the main goal of the class is to examine literature and film as sites for the very construction of gender. Readings include contemporary literary and theoretical works, as well as historical texts from the Colonial period (1910-1945) and the Choson dynasty (1392-1910), in order to understand women's issues in the context of historical development. Through textual criticism and theoretical readings, some of the questions we will discuss are: What is "feminine" and "masculine" in Korean culture, and how do they change (if they do)? How do these formations and changes relate to literary and cinematic portraits of gender on one hand and to gendered conceptions of literature and cinema on the other? How do socio-historical circumstances affect representations of gender? All readings are in English. Prior course experience in literature, film, or gender studies recommended. Prerequisites: None
Course Attributes: EN H; AS LCD

Section 01

Topics in Korean Literature and Culture