Undergraduate FAQs

Fulfilling the Major or Minor

What majors and minors are offered in the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures?

The department offers the major and minor in East Asian Languages and Cultures.

Majors may elect to specialize in one area by focusing their studies on Chinese, Japanese, or Korean.

Can I major or minor in EALC and another degree?

Yes, however, please keep in mind that the EALC major requires 24 units of advanced coursework (3000-level or above) that are unique to the major and cannot be "double-counted."  The EALC minor requires 18 units unique to the minor. 

Can I major or minor in just Chinese, Japanese or Korean language?

No. While language study is the foundation of the EALC curriculum, we consider a solid knowledge of the literature, history, and cultures associated with these languages to be very important as well.

How do I declare a major or minor in East Asian Languages and Cultures?

You may declare a major/minor through Workday. Majors will then be asked to arrange a meeting with the EALC Director of Undergraduate Studies and will be assigned an appropriate major or minor advisor.

Am I required to meet with my assigned advisor?

Majors will need to check in with their advisors at least once a semester since you must have your advisor’s authorization before registering for the following semester’s courses. You should also meet with your advisor whenever you have any questions about fulfilling the requirements for the major or other academic-related issues. Minors do not need their advisor’s authorization for registration but should plan on meeting with their advisors at least once or twice in the course of the academic year.  

Am I required to participate in the EALC Senior Symposium?

All EALC prime majors are required to participate in the Senior Symposium by preparing a 3-minute presentation and a poster (or powerpoint) of either the research paper written for their 4000-level Capstone course OR their senior honors thesis. Second majors are encouraged to attend the Senior Symposium.

What is the Senior Exit Dossier?

All EALC majors, both prime and second, are required to submit a Senior Exit Dossier before graduation.  Refer to this page for details.

What if I still have questions about the EALC majors and minors?

For further information, contact the EALC Director of Undergraduate Studies.

Courses and Credit

Can I audit language courses?

Given the highly interactive and participatory nature of our language instruction, the auditing of EALC language courses is not allowed.

Can Independent Study courses be used to fulfill the EALC major or minor requirements?

No more than 3 units of Independent Study may be applied towards an EALC major. Independent Study courses cannot be applied to an EALC minor.

As a transfer student, do language courses taken at my previous school count toward the language requirement for an EALC major?

Credit for previous language study is awarded only after you have taken the EALC language placement exam and earned at least a B- in the course into which you have placed.

What is the department's back-credit policy?

Credit is typically awarded for completing the following courses with a grade of B- or better.  Native speakers are not eligible for back credit, so evidence of secondary or post-secondary study of the language is required. 

Refer to the A&S back credit webpage for details.

May I use two different languages to satisfy my language requirement?

You are encouraged to study more than one language at WashU, but in order to satisfy the requirements for the major or minor, you will need to study one language.

May courses taken at Washington University through Summer School or CAPS count toward the majors or minors in EALC?

With the approval of your advisor, Summer School courses may be counted toward the major and minor.  However, no more than one CAPS in-person course may be counted towards the EALC major or minor.

Can I take language classes Pass/No Pass?

Some language courses may permit the Pass/No Pass grade option.  Please check grade options on Workday. However, all courses for the major or minor, including language classes, must be taken for a letter grade. Moreover, a B- minimum is required in order to advance from one level to the next.

Study Abroad

Is there a study abroad requirement?

There is no study abroad requirement. However, you are strongly encouraged to participate in one of the several Washington University-approved study abroad programs in East Asia, such as the Kyoto Consortium for Japanese Studies in Japan and the Seoul National University program in Korea.

What is the EALC study abroad policy?

Up to 6 units of credit may be applied toward the major from one semester abroad and up to 12 units of credit from two semesters abroad. No more than 3 units of transfer or study abroad non-language courses may be applied to the minor.